Women that have undergone a breast procedure in the past can consider getting breast revision if they want something corrected. For instance, if you underwent breast augmentation and got an unsatisfactory outcome, a breast revision surgery can be the best solution for you. The best thing about breast revision is that when performed by a highly qualified Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, it can help women obtain the results they were after the first time they did the procedure. It could also help them revise their appearance to meet their current aesthetic goals. However, breast revision is not for everyone since it’s a secondary procedure, and you must have undergone some breast surgery in the past. Likewise, you must have a reason for your breast revision, and the following are some of the common ones;
To help address the effects of aging and gravity
Over time the woman’s body changes due to age. When the youthful appearance starts to fade away as muscles become loose, the breasts may still sag even with an implant. A breast revision surgery helps restore perkiness and placement, making the breasts firm and well-shaped.
Capsular contracture
Breast augmentation involves placing a foreign object inside the body, which leads to the formation of a capsule of scar tissue. There’s nothing wrong with that since it is part of the healing process. However, in some cases, the scar tissue can become overly-hardened and contract to cause capsular contracture. Such a condition makes your breasts appear abnormal and sore when touched. A breast revision surgery removes the excess scar tissue to improve your comfort with the augmentation procedure.
When there’s incorrect sizing
Before you undergo any breast procedure, you are advised to determine the goals you want to achieve and discuss them with your surgeon. It makes ending up with the wrong size of breasts quite rare but still a possibility. When you feel like the breast implants are too large or too small to your liking, a breast revision should be an excellent solution. The surgeon can replace the implants with something more appropriate and comfortable for you.
Implant rupture or malfunction
The best part about breast implants is that they are designed to provide women with beautiful, long-lasting results, but they are not life-lasting devices. While it will serve you for a long time at some point, the implant might rupture. When that happens then, a breast revision becomes necessary to remove the ruptured implant. Depending on the patient’s needs, the implant can be replaced or taken out entirely to remain with the original breast size.
There are many reasons women may require breast revision surgery, including rippling and wrinkling. However, the above are some of the common reasons most patients have. It’s worth noting that if you are unhappy with the results of any breast procedure you may have undergone, then breast revision may be the solution you need. If you are not sure whether you are qualified to get a breast revision, make sure you get an evaluation from a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, to achieve a beautiful, natural, and enhanced look.