
Stress Relief: The Silent Killer

Experiencing stress is unavoidable during your lifetime. However, high stress levels can trigger the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, which prepare your body for fight-or-flight. In a stressed state, your heart rate rises, and your blood pressure increases, your immune system, and digestive functions shut down, and your anxiety increases.

For more extended periods, your stress hormone levels remain high and may cause depression, emotional issues, and suicidal thoughts. Stress management can help you decrease stress and lead a healthy lifestyle. Read ahead to find useful relaxation techniques.


Aromatherapy is an alternative treatment that utilizes essential oil to manage stress levels. This technique includes the use of diffusers to breathe in pleasant essences or applying essential oils on the skin through massages. The oils trigger the production of feel-good hormones, which alter the effects of stress hormones to help you manage anxiety, sleeplessness, and pain.


Physical activity through going to the gym, running, hiking, or dancing, helps your body release feel-good hormones, which produce a euphoric high. These hormones are known as endorphins and are natural stress relievers. Endorphins alter your perception of pain by binding to receptors that regular pain relievers bind to, without causing unhealthy dependency. Through physical activity, you can regulate adrenaline and cortisol levels for better mental health.

Breathing Exercises

Practicing deep breathing sends relaxation messages to your brain and helps your body produce endorphins. As you take deep breaths, you lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and tension. Breathing exercises are a healthy practice, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. You can do the exercises sitting, standing, lying flat, or during yoga. Whichever position you choose, ensure you inhale deeply into the belly, hold your breath for around five seconds before exhaling through the mouth.

Self Care

Being an active participant in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being can help you improve your mental health. There are several ways to practice self-care, including regulating the time you spend with your loved ones, creating a gratitude journal, consuming a healthy diet, controlling your negative thoughts through mindfulness, seeking medical advice, and using to-do lists to manage your time.

Taking Supplements

Consuming supplements can help you improve your mental health by introducing substances that naturally decrease stress and boost cognitive functions. For instance, ashwagandha-based supplements not only regulate mental stress, but also reduce fatigue, boost immunity, and help with the management of illnesses such as diabetes.

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